The Lees" better known as Rylan Ashlee and Leah Michelle, are sisters and business partners from Virginia. They have recently started their own website and online store called Glamour Gang (www.glamourgang.com launching soon) which will feature a variety of blogs and retail merchandise. They are two powerful, intelligent women who have the drive and motivation to succeed. Although they could pass for twins, they are not, and when put together their two different personalities created a force which will be soon recognized.
3375 Tell us a little about The Lees!

Leah My sister Rylan has always been around me during my shoots, she has helped me pose, fixed my hair, put together my clothes etc... A lot of the shoots I have done had her creative eye. Since we started our business Glamour Gang we decided that both of us needed to be in front of the camera as a brand in order for the whole idea to come together.
3375 Why did Rylan and Leah decide to join forces?
Ryan I have always helped Leah behind the scenes with her shoots whether it be assisting with developing the concept, styling or being her cheerleader. Leah has always encouraged me to join her in the bright lights and when she and I began developing our Glamour Gang brand we decided that it was time to introduce The Lee’s to the world!
Leah We are not twins, although we look a lot alike, we are sisters but we are very much individuals. I feel like instead of getting two of the same person you get two totally different people with the same drive and motivation.
3375 What do you think will set you apart from everybody else out here?
Ryan I think that what sets us apart is our distinct similarities and differences. We are asked all the time if we are twins (she’s the older sister J) and although we look almost identical our personalities are distinctly different. Leah is a firecracker and risk taker; which is seen in her portfolio because she never looks the same in any photo. I am a little more reserved, but like they say it’s the quiet ones you have to watch out for. J
Leah We are not twins, although we look a lot alike, we are sisters but we are very much individuals. I feel like instead of getting two of the same person you get two totally different people with the same drive and motivation.
3375 What influences you the most when it comes to your drive?

Leah We are the "Black Kardashians" They are a family of business women, and although they get a bad rap, they have taken their name and branded it. We love that about them! I am a fan of Rihanna, Rita Ora and my all time favorite person is Michael Jackson. I am a writer I love music and maybe one day will get to write songs as well.
3375 Would you like to work as a full time professional model? If not, what
would be your dream job?
Ryan My dream job would be to traveling journalist and venture to different countries to experience and document the diverse cultures, ways of life and most importantly taste all of the food. One thing that only my close friends and family know about me is that I love food!
Leah It was never my goal to be a professional model. We have our own business I am in school right now for PR, and I would really love to be able to sit back and enjoy my brand. I want to be a writer, just haven't figured out which kind yet.
3375 What do you enjoy more: shooting in groups or alone?
Ryan Recently Leah and I shot together for the first time with Ricky Lebaron Godette and I had so much fun! We were able to play off of each other and the shots were amazing. I can’t wait for the world to see them.
Leah We have only had one shoot so far and it was a lot of fun!! I cant wait to shoot again with my sister, I just want it to stay fun and light we feed off of each other well.
3375 Who do you look up to the most in the model industry ?

Leah The models I look up to are the girls with ink that are making a way in the fashion industry I work closely with Blasted Ink. I also love Sarah Fabel and Zombie Boy.
3375 What do you think about the way professional models treat themselves
these days (dieting, alcohol, drugs etc.)
Ryan I think that as with any job you have to make sure you are the best at what you do. I think living a healthy well rounded life is important and remembering that at the end of the day it is a business. You have to eat right, exercise, get enough rest, take care of you skin etc.There is always someone who is waiting for you to fail so that they can get in the door so you have to stay on top of your game.
Leah I cant call a model a professional if she/he does not take care of themselves, diet, exercise, marketing, management, knowledge etc... A lot of the girls out there just think they have to take pictures and things will happen! They have also been spoiled by editing.
3375 How do you keep yourself fit?
Ryan I maintain a healthy balance of exercise and eating healthy. Don’t get me wrong I love bread, chocolate and a glass a wine, but everything in moderation. I don’t make myself feel guilty if I over do it sometimes because it just means I have to put in a little extra effort in the gym the next day.
Leah I have a trainer, I am in the gym at least 5 days a week. I keep myself on a diet, and it is very hard!!!
3375 What would you say is your greatest achievement thus far?
Ryan My greatest achievement thus far in accepting loving myself for who I am and not making any apologies for it.
Leah My Stunnaz Inked Magazine cover with Jayda Starr, and the progress of my brand! Since my last interview with you I have expanded my brand a lot and I hope to do the same with "The Lee's"
3375 What has been your biggest setback or challenge?
Ryan Leah said it best. Our location.
Leah My location, being in Virginia its hard to get ahead in this business.
3375 Who do you hope to work with in the future?
Ryan I have a passion for high fashion designers especially Alexander McQueen (RIP). Although he is no longer with us his designs continue to inspire me and I would love the opportunity to have The Lee’s represent his line.
Leah Anyone that is as motivated as I am!
3375 Where do you see yourself in 5years?
Ryan In five years I see myself further expanding our Glamour Gang brand and coming
up with new innovative designs.
Leah I don't plan that far ahead, but hopefully graduated from college and still expanding my brand!
3375 Are we going to see you in any movies in the future?
Ryan I don’t have the acting bug, but anything is possible.
Leah Maybe my sister :), Im not so sure about myself, but I would like to have some of my writing published that's for sure.
3375 If someone wanted to book you who and how should they contact?
Ryan & Leah Email thelees50@gmail.com @thelees_ on twitter and ig and our website should be coming out soon www.glamourgang.com
3375 Any Shout outs?