DeeDee Carlos
3375 What was your childhood like, including any unique experiences?
DEEDEE I came from a family with strict rules. My mother was born from Central American where there was two set if rules of males n females. The boys get to explore and the girls stay close to home.
3375 How did you get into modeling?
DEEDEE It was a fluke for me. My daughter used me as a test dummy for a new camera I brought her...I post it on MySpace and Modelmayhem and got great responses from photographers who would like to shoot with me and the rest is history.
3375 Are there any particular models that inspired you to pursue modeling?
DEEDEE Yes, Imani, Beverly Johnson, and Tyra Banks. I like their style, sexiness, and originality
3375 So, many people think models have it easy. Traveling, being pampered. How do you feel about that perception?
DEEDEE Traveling to different places is a great experience and pampered is nice also especially when you're tired but it can be a headache when you feel more relax in your own bed.
3375 What things about the modeling industry do you like the most, and what are some things that you would like to change?
DEEDEE I like the creativity between me and the photographer that shows in the images. What I would change is the stereotypes of what size criteria a model should be in certain model industry. All women are beautiful in all sizes.

3375 In this line of work, do you always feel respected by others within the industry or your peers, or have there been times when you weren’t respected?
DEEDEE It goes both ways...most of the times I received respect for what I do and very few time I don't but it doesn't really bother because good and bad I get notice so its all good.
3375 Some photographers say they encourage models to "make love to the camera." Have you ever tried that?
3375 What other interests do you have besides modeling?
DEEDEE I would like to host events, shows, being a correspondence and inspiration to all plus sized models.
3375 What has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far in your modeling career?
DEEDEE Always do research on the photographers you are going to shoot with and be prepared for anything throw your way.
3375 Do you have any advice for aspiring models?
DEEDEE As I said before do research on the photographers you are going to do shoots with to make sure they're legit and make sure your portfolio is up to date
3375 A sad aspect of modeling is that many models starve themselves to stay thin. How do you stay in shape?
DEEDEE I'm very comfortable with my size but I do excerise and watch what I eat.
3375 What has been the biggest life lesson you’ve learned?
DEEDEE Preparation, preparation, preparation and did I say preparation.
3375 What is a typical day like for you?
DEEDEE Just work and tending to my family.
3375 Any beauty tips you can pass along to our readers?
3375 The career of a model is relatively short. Why do you think the models in magazines are all so young?
DEEDEE The like younger looks and feel that's what the fans like to see.
3375 What are some goals that you are really striving to achieve like business ventures, etc?
DEEDEE Promotering for others and open my own fragrance line.
3375 Is there anything else you would like everyone to know?
DEEDEE No, I like to leave some things a mystery...hehe.
3375 How can we keep in contact with you?
DEEDEE You can always hit me up on Facebook and
also for booking
3375 Do you have any shout outs?
DEEDEE to say it was great working with you Canvas Photography and AceDuJour, also SCB Photography. aka Mr Medi who I'm looking forward if working with..yes indeed...I'm excited already