Today we have an interview with an up and coming model by the name of Cherry . She is quite a character and not just a pretty face. Cherry is not only one of my best friends, but she’s also been a true inspiration throughout my life this past year, whose focused ambitions inspire my own passions and creativity. I spoke to Cherry about her progress over the last year,
3375 Tell us what's been going with you since our last interview?

CHERRY Since our last interview, I've had a number of photo shoots, one of which has been published in Ryder Magazine (my first publication). Also, I am now an independent model, so I am in more control over my bookings.
3375 How has your life change in the past year?
CHERRY I've met some great people (especially photographers) whom I plan to work with this year. There have been some changes in my personal life as well and I can honestly say that this is the happiest and most satisfied I've been in a while. I had a lot of negativity in my life and once I found how to get rid of it, things got A LOT better. A complete 360°.
3375 You have this great charisma when it comes to modeling, what is it you enjoy most about it?
CHERRY Thank you! I enjoy getting prepared for a photo shoot. I love the anticipation because, even though you have an idea about how things are going to be done, NOT actually knowing is the fun part. Then, afterwards, seeing your work for which you got all "dolled up" for is...rewarding. Great feeling.3375 What is one thing you do to dress up an outfit?
CHERRY I always consider how my hair should look. You can have on a GREAT outfit but, to me, if your hair doesn't fit with your clothes...the photo just doesn't look right.
3375 Name one thing you cannot get ready without in the morning.
CHERRY I cannot leave the house without mascara on. I don't need to have on a full face of makeup, but mascara and a little lip gloss is a MUST for me!
CHERRY My style is urban. I like to keep it simple. The "I have to stand out " look isn't for me. I stand out on my own. But, to fully describe my style...cropped top (I love showing my midriff), skinny jeans or a long peasant skirt and a pair of strappy heels. Simple yet stylish. Sexy yet classy.
3375 Who is your favorite designer?
CHERRY Oh wow...this may sound crazy but I don't have a favorite. If I see an article of clothing that I like, then that's it. The designer isn't important to me.3375 Favorite photo-shoot?
CHERRY My favorite photo shoot, as of right now, would have to be my most recent with photographers Maria Robertson a.k.a. TuTu and John Lewis for their 2013 Bittersweet Collection. They asked me, along with a few other lovely ladies, to be a part of this collection and I loved working with these two. This photo shoot showed my "girly" side, as well as, my tomboy-ish side and people don't get to see that too often.
3375 What is a day in the life of Cherry like?

3375 What are some of your absolute favorite beauty tips you've learned from modeling?
CHERRY I've learned a few eyeliner tricks and I love finding eye shadows that go well with my skin tone. I've learned that, usually, less makeup is better.
3375 Any taboos in the modelling industry that we should know about?
CHERRY If it looks, walks, and quacks like a's a duck. That is all.
3375 What 'Plain Jane' things do you do when you're not modelling?
CHERRY I love to read! I read romance, mystery and horror novels. I'm a huge fan of Stephen King and Nora Roberts. My idea of fun is laying on the couch, with my headphones on and a good detective story. I am also very good at crossword puzzles and board games.
3375 What kind of music do you listen to?
CHERRY Usually R&B. I love the mid-90s to early 2000s era. But, I do listen to Hip Hop as well. I'm a big fan of Curren$y, T.I. and Big Sean.
3375 Do you have any hidden talents?

3375 What's up next for you?
CHERRY More shoots and hopefully, more publications. I prefer to do things spontaneously because things hardly ever go as planned.3375 Where can we see/find out more about you online?
CHERRY For more info about me, like my fan page on Facebook at
3375 Any last words or shout outs?