"Raised up in the hood, a bad girl gone good. I know that you remember me, but I’m not who I used to be." When you mix the flavors of the Streets, the Church choir, High School Band Camp, Accidental yet apparent Intelligence, Successful Corporate America, and extremely humble beginnings, you produce the raw and soulful sounds of the seasoned singer, songwriter and producer, Feleshia Ballou.
Feleshia B’s music is a mixture of Old School, Hip Hop and R&B with a raspy soulful flare. Her sound is often compared to none. Her lyrics are intended to inspire and teach preventive measures that can prevent mistakes and consequences from poor decision making. Feleshia does not want to use her talent irresponsibly, so she chooses not to sing about materialistic and superficial topics that so often flood the musical airways.
Feleshia B is better known by the entertainment world, has been gracing the souls and minds of many with her rare, raspy sound and musical talents since leading her very first song at age 6 in the church choir, landing her first trumpet solo in the marching band at 13, and writing and producing over 100 songs by age 20. It was highly innate that Feleshia B would take a natural and vested interest in music, as her father and sister were both seasoned saxophone players; and her grandfather a US ARMY trumpeter. Feleshia B began playing the trumpet at 8 years old, and outshined the pack of mostly male trumpeters with her ability to master her tone even while playing to the side of her lips.
Growing up fairly poor, her family couldn’t afford vocal lessons, so she enhanced her vocal ability by singing her favorite Mary J Blige, Faith Evans, Whitney Houston and Lauren Hill tunes to her drug dealer friends while hanging out in the streets of South Boston, Virginia. She was first recognized professionally by Grand Master Slice, who was a very reputable rapper in her hometown with the hit song “Electric Slide, (Shall we dance)”. Slice immediately took interest in the young musician’s natural talent and recorded her first demo “Loving You the way I do”, which she wrote and co-produced in 1996.
Her street smarts coupled with her professional and seasoned ear for quality sound helped her to create music and lyrics that were both popular and tame. From 1999 through 2000 she traveled the east coast recording demos, staying with friends and family members looking for agents and managers that would promote, sponsor and showcase her talents; but often found herself involved with dangerous street thugs that compromised her future and freedom. Feleshia B often wrote and sang about the so-called love, hurt, danger and lessons learned she often experienced with her lifestyle as a naive young girl fresh out of high school. Though Feleshia B initially chose the street life, she found solace with her Grandmother’s values that always kept her balanced. She often says that she graduated from the hood, and figured out a way to get into college just to escape the hood lifestyle which was destined to self destruct.
The maturing, humble and hungry artist really began to blossom while attending college at Virginia State University, by teaching herself to play the piano in the music halls. By her sophomore year, students would gather around her in Foster Hall to listen to her alto-soprano tone as she would play new songs she had written and produced on the piano. During her college years, she worked closely with Bobbi Fisher (former road manager for Trey Songz), good friend Edrick Miles (co-writer of “Bottoms Up” by Trey Songs, and producer of “Love Faces” by Trey Songz), hosted countless open mic events with B Soundz and Fatso Skinny. Feleshia used her college education as a “back up” plan to finance her stemming music career.

Feleshia B signed and completed another songwriter contract with Blockstar Entertainment from 2010-2011, and is currently working on her new “Street inspired Inspirational Project” that she is financing independently set to release in 2014.
Feleshia B has a vested and respected mentorship with friend and manager Joe’i Chancellor. The two are currently working on a master plan that will introduce Feleshia’s talent to the world starting in Richmond, VA. Feleshia Ballou is affiliated with Writers Bloc Publishing, The Network Grind and Blockstar Entertainment.
She is currently being groomed to focus on delivering quality live performances that incorporate her trumpet playing skills, piano banging and straight SANGING! Please keep Feleshia B on your watch list for upcoming talent.
FELESHIA Well, first I would probably take a few minutes to gather my thoughts since Im always doing so many things at a time. I would tell them that I do it all…and I do whatever it takes….but more specifically, im a mother, a successful engineer in corporate america, a song writer, producer, and a vocalist. So…im pretty busy most of the time doing what I love, and what I have to do to survive and enjoy life.
3375 How did you get started in the music industry?
FELESHIA Stacey Rogers (famous for The Electric Slide) recorded my first demo back in 1995; that started it all. It wasn’t until 2006 that I got my first big break into the industry as a songwriter for So Inkredible, LLC; writing for superproducers The Inkredibles. I went to Yellow House Studios by myself with my Yamaha keyboard and asked if I could record a song that I had written for Trey Songz; they let me in…and liked my talent…lol
3375 What is a day like in the life of a up-and-coming artist?
FELESHIA Its very very tough. Everyday is like a balancing act between priorities and my passion. I have a very demanding career along with parenting…so my typical day is grinding and juggling (lol). Im an independent artist and I finance my own projects, so I spend a lot of time recording rough references in my home studio, writing new records, working on mixtape material for promo, figuring out which songs to record next, which ones to shoot a video for, and working with my manager to line up appearances once the project is ready
3375 What are you bringing to the game that you feel is missing?
FELESHIA Im bringing "raw vocals" without all the automation; and im talking about things other than LOVE. Im trying to bring back that 90's vibe back when music actually required a "SINGER". hahah. Things have gotten way too pretty these days, and the content is missing in the music…moreso than ever. I just want to bring back some rawness and realness…I personally don’t like the current trends of Mollies and Sex…im so much more than that! Lets talk about Preventive Mainitenance, and teach these lost youngsters how to prevent stupid mistakes, and how to recover from making them. Lets talk about making that man wait for sex since he has ABSOLUTELY nothing to offer you…Lets talk about how God can guide you in a clearer path than Gucci Mane can…and Lets talk about why you think you're a boss when you clearly don’t have your priorities lined up…So to sum it all up, im gonna encourage women to be strong minded, and to drop his ass like a hot potato if he doesn’t display respect. Im gonna teach youngsters that life is about more than a fashion show and Mollies. Im gonna encourage men to rise up to the "Boss" challenge…if you a Boss…show me that God is first, you taking excellent care of your seeds and respecting your woman, and your businesses are legit. THAT’S the stuff you will hear in my records.
3375 Who are some of the artists that have influenced you?

3375 What is the most memorable moment of your career?
FELESHIA The most memorable moment of my career was when I found out that the very first song I wrote professionally was placed with an artist on a Major label, and that the song had been sold, and paid for…and I didn’t receive ONE penny, nor did I know about the placement. Hey, sorry my most memorable moment wasn’t a happy one. LOL
3375 What is something unique/interesting that most people wouldn’t know about you as an individual?
FELESHIA Most people wouldn’t know that I play the trumpet and the piano. They probably wouldn’t know that I graduated in the top 10% of my Engineering class.
3375 Describe your ambition behind your work as music artist?
FELESHIA My ambition comes from knowing the streets where I came from; and not wanting to return to that life. We went very hard when I lived in the hood. I have seen so many bad things happen, and I have seen talented, beautiful people waiste their time and lives on drugs, violence, tunnel vision and silo thinking. I have mingled with the wealthy, and I have seen the lack of awareness and idolization of material things…I have seen third world countries that are less fortunate yet more grateful. So the things I have seen give me more vision to help straighten all of this mess out with my voice. I just have sooo much to say; and to reach the masses, I need a platform, and in order to get a platform…I MUST have ambition.
3375 Tell us about your work ethic; how do you achieve small and large goals? List some goals you are currently working on?
FELESHIA I am a very hard worker, sometimes I record until 5 and 6am, then get up to be at work at 9am. I go hard in intervals, because I have a beautiful daughter to raise, and I will never let any drive for money or personal success prevent me from playing an active role in her life. Im a professional project manager, so I approach all of my goals with a very specific plan. Smaller goals, I ensure that I put a memo in my iphone to remind me of significant milestones that I need to complete towards the goal. Larger goals, I get my team involved to ease the impact…so Im a fan of working smarter not harder…but in this industry you have to put in the work. Right now my small goals are 1-finishing my promo mixtape 2- getting more professional promo pics taken 3- ramping up social media for my music page. One of my bigger goals is preparing for my 1st listening party so that I can get feedback on the first cut of my project.
3375 Has there ever been a time in your life where you doubted your hopes and aspirations? If so, how did you overcome these doubts?

3375 If you could build a stage, environment and crowd, what would be Feleshia's dream performance? (Any stage, outside/inside, any country, large or small crowd – be creative!)
FELESHIA It would be an intimate performance at the White House. I want a simple stage set with a live band, 3 background singers and great lighting. I don’t need a large crowd…but to perform for the elite of my country would be a proud accomplishment…because it will assure me that my music is positive, and can be entertaining to great leaders. I would love to see people in 3 piece suits of all races and nationalities out of their seats straight rocking to my music.
3375 Do you have any advice for aspiring artists and people around the world?
FELESHIA Be real…don’t let any label create who YOU are…because it defeats Gods purpose. Stop hiding behind auto tune and a stage full of other people! Be yourself…and in time the value will rise.
3375 Do you have any upcoming projects?
FELESHIA Yes, I will be releasing my mixtape this summer…Im super excited. My first video for "My chance is gonna come" will be ready in May!!
3375 Where can we find you at online? Twitter? Facebook?
FELESHIA You can find me at https://www.facebook.com/ feleshiab
3375 Any shout outs?
FELESHIA I want to shout out God first and foremost for giving me this talent that I have. I can never forget my original music crew, Duane Whitlock and Edrick Miles...we all started from the bottom with a penny and a dream. Shout out to my baby Aasia, my sister Selena and my brother Jarell for always being my biggest supporters and always sticking by my side. Mommie and daddy for making such a fabulous thang! Joe'I Chancellor and the Network Grind for being my powerhouse and great friend!! Theo Mas Beatz Edmonds for being THE BEST producer and brother!! I love each of you…and I love many more of yall. If I didn’t name you…you know I love you, and I will shout everyone out when I get the grammy!
FELESHIA I want to shout out God first and foremost for giving me this talent that I have. I can never forget my original music crew, Duane Whitlock and Edrick Miles...we all started from the bottom with a penny and a dream. Shout out to my baby Aasia, my sister Selena and my brother Jarell for always being my biggest supporters and always sticking by my side. Mommie and daddy for making such a fabulous thang! Joe'I Chancellor and the Network Grind for being my powerhouse and great friend!! Theo Mas Beatz Edmonds for being THE BEST producer and brother!! I love each of you…and I love many more of yall. If I didn’t name you…you know I love you, and I will shout everyone out when I get the grammy!
Thank you for reading! Please feel free to leave a comment and let us know what you think!