Angie has been singing since the young age of 5 and has a Vocal Performance and Marketing degree from West Chester University. She has had a love for singing and ventured into stage works in high school and college. Seven years ago she discovered modeling and has now made that another passion. She loves to work with many of the indie designers and singing artists as well. SHe has been feautured in online magazines and designer websites and has graced runways from Alabama to New Jersey.

ANGIE Angie and Philly
3375 How long have you been doing music and what made you get into music?
ANGIE I have been performing since I was 5 when my grandma made me sing at a mother's day event and taking lessons since I was 8. I love it.
3375 How would you describe your style and best attribute as an artist?
ANGIE My style is very eclectic and runs many scales of music genres. I am working on my own genre which I am keeping under wraps until I release my first single ;) I am very versatyle in my sound and have a 3 1/2 octave range .
3375 Tell us your greatest experience thus far as a music artist and why?
ANGIE I think all my performances have their own special experiences, but some highlights were singing on warm-up time of Monique show and her whispering in my ear later it was beautiful :)
3375 What is the biggest challenge you face being an artist?
ANGIE I feel as a plus size model and with my physical attributes, I run into a lot of "unprofessional" people. I am a flirt by nature but at tne end of the day busines is business and that's all I am concerned with but working in tight studio spaces things get confused.

ANGIE These two brothers Nuttin but Stringz. They are from NY but I heard them years ago in my church when I lived in ATL. I think a colab with them would be epic.
3375 So how do you feel you rank against top music talents today? And why?
ANGIE I think I could give most female artists a run for their money. Everyone has their attributes, but I have been classically trained and that is the strongest vocal background you can have.
3375 What are you working on now, and when can fans expect to hear more from you?
ANGIE I am working on a lot of things, but musically working on finding the right sound from a producer and a few singles. Hopefully by 2013.
3375 Give readers one tip about pursuing their dreams?
3375 So what do you want to accomplish as an artist overall?
ANGIE I want to make people smile and be at peace when they hear me sing and feel good. I want to be able to financially give back to many organizations and causes I believe in.
3375 If music never existed, what do you think you would be doing?

ANGIE I always wanted to be an architect or dolphin trainer but science and math were not my strong subjects :)
3375 Tell us your influences and inspirations?
ANGIE I am inspired and influenced by nature and anything positive.
3375 What quote do you feel best represents you?
ANGIE Live the life you love and love the life you live.
3375 What music do you have playing in your sound system right now?
ANGIE hmmm a little bit of everything but Adele stays in rotation a lot.
3375 I have to ask for the single men out there. Are you single or do you have someone special"?
ANGIE I have some prospects but single at the moment.
3375 When did you decide you wanted to try modeling?
ANGIE I kind of fell into modeling 7 years ago.
3375 What are your favorite kinds of shoots?

ANGIE Glamour, edgy, pin-up.
3375 How do you find your modeling jobs?
ANGIE Word of mouth, casting websites, facebook
3375 Has modeling changed the way you see yourself?
ANGIE Yes. I used to have low self -esteem and the love and admiration I get since I started modeling.. well let's just say is good for the ego lol .
3375 How do you stay positive when faced with adversity or size discrimination?
ANGIE I am who I am .. I have always been thick but I go to gym and eat healthy for my health not for my size.
3375 Do you think the fashion world is becoming more accepting of different types of bodies?
ANGIE Slowly but surely. Plus size industry has made a lot of big strides this year and hopefully will continue.
3375 What’s your response to people who argue that fashion’s idea of plus-size is not “reality” of plus-size?

ANGIE Let's be honest as long as you are healthy curves are the way of America. If you go into stores now a days and look in a clearance section. most of the clothes are smalls and mediums..More designers need to recognize norm in America is 12/14/16 +. I stay in the gym and try to eat healthy but not lose my curves ;)
3375 How can business heads and fans contact you in the future?
3375 Do you have any shout outs?
ANGIE I want to give shout out to my girls I ride with in modeling NQDAC (owners of Empress Lingerie and yes I roll with movers and shakers and my family and friends/fans for always supporting me!